
Monday, January 16, 2012

Prologue Part 1

It has been more than 5 years since I experienced a very tortuous hell times three. I have really needed to talk about it, well not actually talk about it to someone because I find (aside from my counsellor a couple years back) no-one really understands, appears to understand, can/could understand, or would/should ever understand, the unbelievable hellish nightmare I was locked in. But I have to get it out.

I remember the after-effect was such that where a Doctor would normally ask a patient to fill in a health assessment form occasionally (perhaps once a year and for some never), I was asked to fill them out weekly. Not only was that the request, but I was also told in no uncertain terms that I would experience a crash of emotional, physical, and mental, magnitude. Be prepared, very prepared, and be careful. But don't worry, really, because we are here, we are aware, and we are prepared!

Feck. How do you prepare for what someone, a professional with experience in these matters, expects but which you apparently have no control over and no idea of exactly what this apparent event is going to be, look, feel, or be (did I say be already?) like.

Before I can even begin to get close to discussing what I need to, in order to reach the here and now (which is fairly good all things considered), I think I need to place my life in perspective. Because this will allow me to try to make sense of my life now, then, and in between. To make sense of me. I suppose it will also allow you to somehow begin to understand me and my life and the how's and why's that surround that.

So, here goes...

Twenty years ago last August, I was a drifting teenager. Looking for life without actually knowing what life was. Looking for direction without really having any clue as to what that meant. I have wonderful parents and a loving family. But one thing I never learned was life. How to be, do, have, act, behave, want, move, HOW TO LIVE A GOOD AND SUCCESSFUL LIFE. No blame, that's just the way it was. Although I did learn how to spend money (but not banking or saving - = not good money sense at all and I still grapple with bouts of thrift and expenditure galore), and I sort of understood the concept of get married, have children, grow old, die.

What more could there be?

So here I was, drifting around the big city, staying out of trouble (by the grace of God no doubt!) but just wandering. I grew up on a farm, and while not far from suburbs and city, it was still city lights that ultimately meant different and interesting and thus I gravitated towards this. My best friend and I used to just wander around town. Investigating, always moving, looking, learning, just being. On one particular day, as I walked through yet another building with my best friend (a very popular and cool shopping and living locale), these loud men's voices could be heard. (Okay we were actually in an area that we probably shouldn't have been but we were nosey sixteen year old girls....seriously...tell us we can't/shouldn't and we simply have to, like we have to breath! My friend freaked out a little and then we were face-to-face with dark, serious, men. Caught by these foreign men in a place we were not supposed to be. We mumbled an excuse and skedaddled only to bump into them around the corner (since we hadn't actually left the building we were now standing there silent).
The tall man asked if we'd like to join them driving somewhere. My friend declined instantly. I, on the other hand was not only not afraid (where perhaps I should have been) but was equally intrigued.
We declined all the same. They then asked us to come back later to watch a dvd in their apartment. I agreed. My friend was still freaking out. None-the-less we met them later. In their apartment were women's high heels and a really curly thick wire. My friend was now FREAKING OUT. I was still fine!

Two Iranian men. Handsome (to me), friendly, and funny. AND, they had an apartment in the centre of the city! I married the tall one, one and a half months later. I had just turned 17. I should clarify that it wasn't the apartment that enticed me, it was FATE that pulled me in. Drowned then and there! True love.

We grew together. He is 8 years older than me (but not wiser (okay now I'm just being mean lol)). We have spent almost 20 years in love and fighting. Magic.

During this time, I was an early childhood educator, had enough of enduring that, became a University student and stayed there. Travelled, worked, loved, hated, studied, travelled...It was all about books and soaking up an education. I wish to be paid as a perpetual student be my name!

From 1999 to 2003, I studied my butt off. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, then grdauated an Honours degree separately, and then squashed a massive 65,000-word thesis Master's degree into 8 months. Then I made a huge move. I moved to Oxford to study Arhaeological Science at the University of Oxford...

Prologue Part 2, will be here shortly. I just need to muster the energy to dredge up old yet painfully-fresh feelings and memories of hell and heaven all wrapped up in one event.

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