So I admit here and now that I do, I really DO covet the Martha Stewart ability to have my fingers in many pies, wholly and successfully. My pie analogy scenario indeed exists at present but remains to be lots of pie dishes, most with uncooked base, a couple with filling, none with lids, the oven is hot, my apron is grubby, my hands are floury, I wipe my brow with the back of my hand and resume forth...
What I live for in that scenario is the potential. The potential to complete my pies exists, the idea for each pie has already been visualized, and my passion for the many types and tastes of pie remains unwavering. What I covet is time. What I covet is energy. What I have is potential and the ability.
The imperfect perfectionist covets life, love, perfection, as she envisions it to be.
As an aside here I feel it necessary to mention, for my own peace of mind, please, whatever you do, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, point out The Editor’s errors in her blogs. I don’t want to know what I have missed, because, as the imperfect perfectionist, I will be simply tortured and tormented, right into my fitful sleep, as my mind is drowned by errors and mistakes. I will feel compelled to, and indeed will, go through the motion of re-reading every word I have ever written (okay I better be honest and say YET AGAIN).
So please, tame your inner sadist who wants to unburden their despicable, wicked, selves upon my imperfect self, and SHUSH. I’m sure when I troll my blogs I will hasten to a crimson shade of mortification whence I upon my words of error, my errs of misfortune... forever burned in my brain never to be repeated, but of course to be repeated lest I ever reach the point of separating the (I think rather daisy-sweet and cute) ‘im’ in imperfect so that it reads Im perfect (and YES I KNOW there is an apostrophe missing but that would simply ruin my ability to replace imperfect with I’m perfect, perfectly....SHUSH!!!).
I told you, I’m NOT perfect. And yes, I do quite like being that way. It allows me to mismatch my antique style living with my modern and retro, my books of Anthropology on the Nuer people with my Paullina Simons, Film Studies, Grey's Anatomy (that's a book of animal anatomy not the American sitcom (yes it is a sitcom to me and I like it) and Winnie-the-Pooh (Winnie-ther-Pooh for those of you in the know). It allows me to work at my exceptionally-large-screen laptop (thank you dearest) by the light of my antique brass lamp (thank you Nami) which has been modified with an upsidedown plastic lightshade but which as a result of my being imperfect happily resembles an amazing antique-retro light source. Ah blissful insight into the unknown, knowingly.
Disclaimer: For peace of mind for my clients, and potential clients, reading my blogs, rest assured my professional work remains flawless and error free (oh and I promise not to post your work here (unless you request me to of course!)). My blog does get the undivided attention, attention to detail, and the time and effort, which your writing gets from me, but it is my desired place of freedom from my professional constraints (er..I mean abilities!!).
THAT, MY DEAREST FRIENDS, is what we refer to as separating work life and personal life, letting one’s hair down, feeling at home, timeout, having a break, and taking it easy.
Lfe is indubitably most very beautiful.
Ed. xx
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