
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

I love chocolate so colour-me-winter

The other night I decided to colour my hair because a) the summer sunshine had lightened my colour and I looked all surfy-haired (nothing wrong with that!) with bits of grey too and b) I thought it might be nice to have a lovely warm winter colour (I read somewhere that that is what one should do...and decided that it sounds like something I could do).
This was the first time I had embarked on this task myself in oh about 22 years. Normally one of my sisters does it for me but I thought I’d take on the task primarily because once I decide to do something I really like to do it right then. So I took ages (ask my other sister) to choose a colour, and settled for a ‘Light Golden Brown’. I seem to find an amazing amount of odd tones in my natural hair colour when I set upon changing the colour so I believed the box when it said for my type of hair choose a 'golden tone' (okay then I will).
Then, at the most inopportune moment I decided to undertake the task at hand! I told you that when I decide to do something I have to do it. So, when I set about doing my hair, I had to rush because I chose my children’s bedtime. Silly, yes, I know, but they were the last daylight minutes and I figured I should probably have a bit of natural light to gauge what in heaven’s name I was colouring my hair to, or more correctly, what my hair would look like in natural light...aka public!
I was going to simply pour the mixture onto my head and rub it through (my sister suggested the all over was fine) but then I looked at the box and finally decided, for reasons of safety and  public ridicule, I really better start with the roots and then move to the ends after about 15 or so minutes as the box suggested. I wouldn’t want the ends darker than the roots and this was likely had I done my hair in one go.
Mind you, I was very tempted to save time and ‘see what happened’. But chickened out when I realised I would be forced to be in public tomorrow and better at least not look excessively unusual. I wouldn’t want the little school children pointing and laughing. Not what your child wants at their school....I could just envisage the wrath....yeah that’s my mama, yes that one....aha yup the weird woman holding my hand, er..yes, those are polka dots!
So, added to roots and got bored after 10 minutes. Then I added the rest to the lengths of my hair and almost, really nearly, almost, decided to colour my eyebrows too, but was afraid of having none shortly thereafter, again envisaging frightened five-year olds crying and refusing to leave the parent’s side (i.e. me trying to pry my child off another child’s parent in order to actually bring them home at all!).
*Note to self here* I might say here that I am ever so glad I didn’t use water to extend the product a bit further as I had thought I might for a small instant (oh yes I had just thought for a very little moment that I probably should because the small bottle might not quite cover my bundles of froofy hair) because, as I found out upon reading the instructions for the next step (yes you really should read ahead in great detail (or at all) sometimes), the water reacts with the hair product to produce bubbles and soapy stuff and well let’s just say a single $10 shampoo is not quite what I had planned.
Anyway, I massaged the colour safely through, washed it until it was running very very very clear (wouldn’t want to wake up with polka dots or worse yet a tie-dye effect) and conditioned. At this point I smelled great. I did! My daughter told me so as she repeatedly sniffed my hair, and believe me that small child has a keen sense of smell. I love children, they are so honest. Go on, ask your child, or someone else’s if you prefer (though make sure you actually know the child or you will get some really weird looks if not a slap upside your head from a cautious caregiver) what colour your teeth are, or how your breath smells. They’ll tell you....probably before you even ask and likely even if you don’t ask!
Right, so, hair is coloured and cleaned and smells lovely and is all am I supposed to know how it looks if all natural light has faded, it’s wet and bedraggled, and the kids are falling asleep on the bathroom I mean are ready for bed?
Ha! As in Haha like tada not hahahahaha rolling on the floor laughing that looks ridiculous! Woke up to find lovely warm, chocolately brown hair. Now I want to do the whole process again because it was quite successful, I feel great, can’t see a single grey or blonde streak, and it was only $10 instead of the quoted $225 at the hair salon. Ha! Did I forget to tell the hair salon I was supplying my own hair and did not need it produced in a palace on a princess’ head, a princess who had obviously been fed on gold bullion? Everyone knows they buy it in China anyway, well probably the hair anyway, and actually come to think of it probably the princess too. You really can find everything in China, especially a lot of editing work....if only they were interested in proofing their packaging more readily I’d be a billionaire.
So the process was unnerving, but successful and I am happy. Now it would be nice if someone would actually notice or at least comment on it. Perhaps it looks so nice no-one dares? Well actually the lady at the supermarket did comment on my hair, but when I said ‘oh thanks I did it myself last night’, she said, ‘oh you permed it yourself?’, ‘oh, no,  coloured it’. Right so she liked the curls. *Crimson* Great and all, but I have had those curls (well not those ones specifically but their predecessors) since I grew hair, at about 1 year old. I was looking for the comment about the colour. But since I have never set eyes on her before now how the heck would she know it was recently coloured? At least the curls looked good!
Not a single comment......yet! Nada, nothing, not a nod. Ah well I think it looks a vast improvement and anyhow I love chocolate (thank me...I’m welcome :p)

Life is beautiful, grey and all.
Ed. xx

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