Tonight I stumbled across (literally fell upon through a blog of a blog of a blog) two blogs, Thyme for Tea and BookBath that appear to have a yearly blogger block party in the form of 'Paris in July'! It looks like awesome fun and something I might thoroughly enjoy, and so, even though I am rather limited for time at the moment, I decided to throw myself in head-first too! I don't want to miss out on something with a topic that I adore!
I shall start, I have decided, with a French quote. Because I like to be different sometimes!
"Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties" Jules Renard, French Writer.
Is this not so true, I ask you!? How often do we find that when we let go of certain things, certain other good things love?
And now...because I couldn't resist:
A tiny bit of French dedication - a corner of my daughter's bedroom...
My most precious blog ideas notebook - note* Classic beautiful French woman no less!
And who could go past the French lavender...the beautiful scent being lovingly inhaled by said daughter (whose name incidently (no it isn't Paris!!) spells Paris if rearranged (okay and you minus an 'e'!) - Persia. Coincidence, or Paris in July fate, I ask you?
So now the challenge has been accepted, and I have dipped my toes in the sea of Paris in July...I shall off to peruse my bookshelves (because books are what I do best) for all things France...while sipping champagne you think? Sure, why not!
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